Your safety is our top priority.
At zillove we work hard to provide a safe environment so you can focus on the fun part: finding yourspecial someone. Our approach to safety is comprised of five key elements. which we call the 5-Star Safety Program.
Member-Controlled Privacy
Only members themselves can share their last names. personal email addresses. or contact information with other members. Our motto is, "Your identity, your mailbox, your choice". Members can also make their profiles private. block selected members from contacting them. and permanently exclude members from their new searches.
Profile Screening
This involves a system of checks and balances that seek to ensure that all new profiles comply with the Terrns of Service and Member Guidelines. Customer Care agents work diligently to review profiles and take action against those profiles that. in our view. violate guidelines or are otherwise unacceptable.
Mandatory Membership
After their first profile view. non-members are required to join. accept our terms of service. and post a profile before they can do anything else on the site. You can be confident that people viewing your profile have indicated that they are single. over 18. and serious about dating. Members who we determine are violating our terms or guidelines can be immediately deactivated.
Community Reporting
There are prominent report concern" links on the site. including on all member profile detail pages. If you spot abuse. we encourage you to report it. Every single member complaint is reviewed by someone from the zillove Customer Care Team. In turn. Customer Care may deactivate offending members or take other appropriate action.
Member Education
We encourage members to review the information we have made available about how to date safely without minimizing the opportunity for romance. Members are also encouraged to use good old common sense and to trust their instincts.