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Protect your account

Zillove is committed to keeping dating on the internet as safe as possible. However, there are occasional situations where people with intent to defraud others invade the internet. Globally, these Emails are known as “fraud emails”, spoofs, or phishing. We believe that we must alert you of possible tricks employed by fraudsters to obtain confidential information from you.

There are sometimes attempts by scammers to gain. Access to our member's personal information such as fake emails and websites. Such emails or websites that appear to come from I love requests require your personal information such as credit card numbers or passwords from our members. Please be aware that Zillove will never ask for your password, credit card information, or other personal information in an email. We will also never provide your password, credit card information, and other personal information to third parties.

The key to preventing scams is awareness, education, and vigilance. We encourage. All Zillovers are to be cautious when responding to any email request for sensitive personal information.

Below are some basic measures you can take to ensure your account safety on Zillove. If you suspect an unauthorized party has accessed or attempted to access your account, please get in touch with our customer service immediately.

Set a good password.

Please do not select a simple password such as a birthday or name. It is advisable to set a password that has a combination of letters and numbers.

Sign in regularly

Regularly sign into Zillove, and make sure that your account information is current. Try and check at least once a month.

Practice extra vigilance

Do not click on any links or URL addresses in any email if you suspect the email was sent from a third party pretending to be Zillove.

Neglect an unauthentic email.

Don't use the links in an email to get to a web page, if you suspect the message might not be authentic, please just forward it to us.

Avoid completing a form.

Avoid filling out forms in email messages that ask for your personal information, such as member personal information, ID and password, credit card, etc.

When processing purchases online

Always ensure that you're using a secure website when submitting credit card or other sensitive information via your Web browser. Most Zillove sign-in pages can be identified with addresses that begin with http://Zillove.com or www.zillove.com

Audit trail

Regularly check your bank, credit, and debit card statements to ensure that all transactions are legitimate. If anything is suspicious, contact your bank and all card issuers.

Use anti-virus software and a firewall.

Some computer viruses steal your password and financial account information by recording your keystrokes. For this reason, it is recommended that you install anti-virus software and update it regularly. A firewall is a system designed to prevent authorized parties usually referred to as hackers from gaining access to sensitive information stored on your computer. A firewall can be implemented in either hardware or software or a combination of both

Contact us

Always report"phishing" or "fraud" e-mails to us at Contact Us. When you encounter fraudulent emails, do not reply to them or follow their instructions. When forwarding spoofed messages, always include the entire original email with its original header information intact.

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